假如讓我說下去 [If You Would Let Me Finish Speaking] - Miriam Yeung 楊千嬅 {Cantonese 01}

唱:楊千嬅 曲:于逸堯 詞:林夕
Performed by Miriam Yeung
Composed by Yu Yat Yiu
Lyrics by Lin Xi
任我想 我最多想一覺睡去
期待你 也至少勸我別勞累
但我把 談情的氣力轉贈誰
暴雨天 我至少想講掛念你
然後你 你最多會笑著迴避
避到底 明明不筋竭都力疲
我想哭 你可不可以暫時別要睡
陪著我 像最初相識我當時未怕累
但如果 但如果說下去 或者
傻得我 彼此怎能愛下去
暴雨中 我到底怎麼要害怕
難道你 無颱風會決定留下
但我想 如樓底這夜倒下來
我怕死 你可不可以暫時別要睡
陪著我 讓我可以不靠安眠藥進睡
但如果 但如果說下去 亦無非逼你
壹句話 如今跟某位同居
我的天 你可不可以暫時讓我睡
忘掉愛 尚有多少工作失眠亦有罪
但如果 但如果怨下去 或者
傻得我 通宵找誰接下去
離開 不應再打攪愛人
If I can, I’d rather sleep through it all
Hoping you would tell me to take it easy
Yet I diverted my last bit of strength
to say goodbye to you on the phone
Who am I kidding?
On a stormy day, at least I’d say I miss you
only for you to at most brush me away
We’re both burnt out at the end of the day
Just pretend I’m still not yet myself
I want to cry, can you please not go to sleep
Be with me like before when you didn’t mind being tired
But if… but if I finish speaking, then
Silly me, how can we continue to love like this
In this storm, why am I afraid like this
As if you’d stay if there’s no typhoon
Yet I think, if the ceiling were to fall tonight
there’d be a phone call at the end
I’m afraid, can you please not go to sleep
Be with me so I won’t rely on sleeping pills
But if… but if I finishing speaking, it’s to make you
confess: I’m now living with someone else
Oh my God, can you please let me go to sleep
Forget love, work alone can cause insomnia
But if… but if I keep blaming, then
Silly me, who will answer me at this hour
Just leave, I shouldn’t be a bother
Am I right?

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