苦口良藥 [Bitter Pill, Sweet Medicine] - Andy Hui 許志安 + Flora Chan 陳慧珊 {Cantonese 02}

(珊)  沒有燈 尚有人 Though there are no lights, people are still there.
相擁過亦算好運 We were lucky to have had each other once.
縱是病人捱到茶也變苦  苦茶亦變甘 Even after the tea has turned bitter, it still tastes sweet to one who needs it.
(安) 多慶幸 幸福人 O, how fortunate, those happy people!
失戀過學會安份 Once your heart has been broken, you learn to be more cautious.
你在從前留低的吸引都昇華變藥引 The addiction you left behind has become an antidote.
(珊)  無論你昨天的吻 給我吻出傷痕 Even though the kisses you gave me were kisses that scarred,
快樂變得殘忍 也叫我震撼至今 And happiness has turned to cruelty, you are still deep in my heart.
(安)  分享過相愛的缺陷 不要再等憐憫 Though the love we shared is now broken, do not wallow in pity.
(合)  往日那份痛苦如十誡 The pain we suffered through is like the Ten Commandments,
提示您與我努力再生 Commanding you and I to live on.
(安)  苦水喝過  蜜餞會給我 After bitterness has been drunk, sweets will be given to me.
(珊)  過去藥到病除 The past will be healed.
(安)  去抹乾眼淚 Go and wipe away your tears.
(珊)  擁有過的即使失去      (合)  如何難受最終平淡似水去
No matter how hard it is to lose what you once had, in the end, the pain will slowly fade away.
(安)  你我活到幾多歲 How many years will you and I live?
(珊)  最愛什麼都會累 No matter how much you love something, you will eventually tire of it.
(合) 昨日如何完美亦似雪景始終都變水 No matter how perfect yesterday was, it will also melt away like the snow.
(珊)  流下眼淚有天潮退 The flow of tears will one day ebb.
(安)  共快樂有天登對 One day, we will share happiness with our other half.
(合)  回望美麗雪景仍然留在你心裡 Looking back, the beautiful snowscape still lives in your heart.
(珊)  若記得 舊愛人 If you remember, my old love,
分手也未算不幸 Breaking up wasn’t completely a bad idea.
要是情人捱到難過痛心感情便更深 Lovers who survive through anguish and heartache emerge with a stronger loving bond.
(安)  這世上 萬千人 當然愛能夠轉贈 This world is so full of people; love can easily be gifted to another.
你在臉龐留低的掌印給他人去熱吻 The face that bears your slap will be passionately kissed by another.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, does the MV already have it? That the title's artist is miss typed. It should be Andy Hui - 许志安 instead of Andy Lau - 劉德華.

    苦口良藥 [Bitter Pill, Sweet Medicine] - Andy Lau 劉德華 + Flora Chan 陳慧珊 {Cantonese 02}
