He can oppose it, but I'll still love you
猶如在 大戰炮火裡 毫無懼色衝過去
As if I were in artillery fire, bursting through without showing fear
誰狂怒 誰攔路 誰話我共誰 不登對
Those who are mad at me get in the way and say I'm not right for you
無能力與霸權比賽 還是可 比他多老幾歲
I can't compete with the his power, but I will live longer
二百年後在一起 應該不怕旁人不服氣
When we're together in 200 years, they should be convinced
團圓或者晚了廿個十年 仍然未捨棄
Perhaps our reunion would be 200 years late, but I won't give up
換個時代在一起 等荊棘滿途全枯死
Changing eras together, passing through the path of hardship
這盼望很悠長 亦決心等到尾 等得起
It's a long-lasting wish and I am determined to see it to the end, I can do it
先 殉了情不對 未反擊過已後退
Just giving up on your feelings is wrong, backing off without striking back
寧憑著 耐性與骨氣 維持自尊撐過去
I'd rather rely on my patience and strength of character, maintaining my self-respect while bearing all of this going forward
誰強韌 誰長壽 誰便算勝利 擊不碎
Toughness and longevity will prevail
仍然共你企在這裡 捱著等 身邊指控死去
I'll still stand here with you, withstanding the accusations until they die away
二百年後在一起 應該不怕旁人不服氣
When we're together in 200 years, they should be convinced
誰人又可控訴廿個十年 仍然未捨棄
They could keep denouncing us 200 years, but I won't give up
換個時代在一起 等荊棘滿途全枯死
Changing eras together, passing through the path of hardship
這盼望很悠長 撐到尾
It's a long-lasting wish, but I'll wait till the end
就算貧病或失憶 都爭口氣從旁保護你
Even in poverty, sickness or loss of memory, I'll protect you
頑強地等再過廿個十年 等整個世界換風氣
I'll stubbornly wait for another 200 years, until the whole world changes its attitude
歷劫還是在一起 這種堅決無人可比
We'll survive the rough times together, my determination is unsurpassed
看戰事多悠長 亦決心打到尾 心不死
The battle will be long, but I'll fight to the end, I'll never give up
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