歲月的童話 [Fairy tale of the years] - Gallen Lo 羅嘉良 {Cantonese 02}

從前曾搭著膊在照相  公園裡共你比賽攀樹上
we used to put hands on each other’s shoulders and take photos, played tree climbing race with you in the park

還有 麼歌 都亂唱
and we sang songs randomly

插著褲袋哨子吹響  看夕照是如此漂亮
whistled with my hands in my pocket, looking at the sunset and it was so beautiful

一切 就這樣分享
everything just shared in this way

回頭時那日那夜那背景  彷彿已沒有什麼可記認
looking back to that day, that night and that background, it seems like there’s nothing left to recognize.

時間 製造缺陷 不停
time, it keeps making defects.

這夜如可閉上眼睛  再共我回憶中約定
if this night you could close your eyes, make promise to me in my memory again,

心裡 就有感應
then there will be a connection in my heart.

*即使走過幾趟遠路  如何都掙不開歲月擺佈
even we have walked very far,  but we still can not avoid the years which manipulating us

這刻收一收腳步  為對方拍拍滿身的塵土
now we stop for awhile, to clean the dust on each other’s bodies

好想知你可會快樂  還是總躲不開生活煎熬
really want to know that if you’re happy, or living painfully in life

只想 你仍安好
i just hope that you’re doing fine.

仍然能搭著膊在照相  講起了自幼戀愛的對象
still can put hands on each other’s shoulders and take photos, talk about the poppy love we had

還有 熟悉的 那些歌唱
and those familiar singing

你願陪我偶然停下  那夕照 仍然很漂亮
if you would like to stop with me for a moment, (i would like to tell you) the sunset is still beautiful.

looking at the same direction with you

Repeat *


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