幾許風雨 [Toiling Life in Wind and Rain] - Roman Tam 羅文 {Cantonese 86}

作曲:Choo Seho

無言輕倚窗邊 Silently lean on to the window edge,
凝望雨勢急也亂 Staring at the heavy and chaotic rain.
似個瘋漢 Like a mad man
滿肚鬱結 Belly full of depress knots, (full of depressing thoughts in mind)
怒罵著厭倦 Angrily cursing being sick and tired.
徐徐呼出煙圈 Slowly Exhale smoke rings, 回望以往的片段 looking back at bits and pieces of the past. ( scanning his memories)
幾許風雨 countless wind and rain
我也經過 屹立到目前 I have endured to this day, I still stand. ('風雨'= 'wind and rain' : representing the hardship and risk in life)

一生之中誰沒痛苦 who live a life without pain?
得失少不免 Win some lose some that can't be helped. ( in here, the speaker is moaning for the lost mostly)
看透世態 See through all kind of people,
每種風雨 all kind of wind and rain (hardship and danger)
披身 covered my body( the wind has) 打我面 hit my face ( the rain has)

身處高峰 Being at the peak of the mountains (successfully climbed to the top) 嘗盡雨絲輕風的加冕 experienced all those crowning with rain drop and breeze (crowning= put on top of ones head: here mean countless little hardship and minor danger was put upon him)
偶爾碰上了急風 Occasionally ran into squall, (Big trouble and serious threat)
步伐末凌亂 my match has never been messy. (I Kept my cool)
心底之中知分寸 Deep down in my heart, I know my limit (know not to do wrong),
得失差一線 win and lose (often) separated (only) by a thin line
披荊斬棘的挑戰 (After all the) Challenge of overcoming all obstacles,
光輝不眷戀 I don't attach to past glory anymore.

悠然想起當天 Slowly remembering the past.
無盡冷眼加嘴臉 Endless cold stares(cold shoulders) and contemptuous faces. (the expression on their faces made it ugly to look at)
正似風雨 Just like wind and rain (here wind and rain referring to the weather) 
每每改變 changing constantly, 
現實盡體驗 all could be experienced in reality world.
無求一生光輝 Not ask for living a glorious life
唯望鬥志不會斷 Only hope my will would not be broken.
見慣風雨 Used to see wind and rain;(hardship and dangerous)
見慣改變 Used to see changes,
盡視作自然 all seem so natural to me.

悠然推窗觀天 Slowly push open the windows and watch the sky.
雲漸散去星再現 Cloud gradually dissipated and the stars re-appeared.
雨線飄斷 steady rain is breaking up.
似我的臉 Like my face,
熱淚聚滿面 my hot tear covered face.
然而不死春天 全賴暖意不間斷 However, for Spring not to die. It'll need that ever present warmth (暖意 =warm feeling= affection /kindness)
似你的臉 叫我溫暖 伴著我步前 Like your face, it give me warmth, and (you) match forward with me.


1 comment:

  1. 20 years ago my friend Roman passed away. I still keep a very fond memory of him after having met him in Bangkok and Hong Kong many times!
