皇后大道東 [Queen's Road East] - Lo Ta-yu 羅大佑 + Ram Chiang Tseung 蔣志光 {Cantonese 91}

皇后大道東轉皇后大道中 Queen's Road East turns into Queen's Road Central.
皇后大道東上為何無皇宮 Why is there no palace on Queen's Road East?
皇后大道中 人群如潮湧 Crowds rush in like waves on Queen's Road Central.

有個貴族朋友在硬幣背後 There is a noble lady on the back of the coin.

青春不變名字叫做皇后 Her youth is everlasting and her name is the Queen.
每次買賣隨我到處去奔走 In every sales deal she follows me as I run around.
面上沒有表情卻滙聚成就 Her face is emotionless but she amasses achievements.

知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 Dear friends, bidding goodbye, leave this metropolis and go afar.
要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 Gotta depend on the great comrades to cook up some new ideas.
照買照賣樓花 處處有單位 Pre-sales of apartments go on as usual; there are units everywhere.
但是旺角可能要換換名字 But Mongkok may have to change its name.

這個正義朋友面善又友善 This righteous chap looks familiar and appears friendly.
因此批準馬匹一週跑兩天 Thus, he permits horses to race two days per week.

百姓也自然要鬥快過終點 The people, naturally, have to race across the finish line as well.
若做大國公民只需身有錢 To be a big-country citizen, you just need to be rich!

知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 Dear friends, bidding goodbye, leave this metropolis and go afar.
要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 Gotta depend on the great comrades to cook up some new ideas.
冷暖氣候同樣影響這都市 Cold and warm climates equally affect this metropolis,

但是換季可能靠特異人士 But seasonal wardrobe change may depend on telekinetic people!
空即是色 色即是空 The void is the form; the form is the void.

空即是色即是色即是空 The void is the form, is the form, is the void.
空即是色 色即是空 The void is the form; the form is the void.
空即是色即是色即是空 The void is the form, is the form, is the void.
空即是色 色即是空 The void is the form; the form is the void.
空即是色即是色即是空 The void is the form, is the form, is the void.
空即是色 色即是空 The void is the form; the form is the void.
空即是色即是色即是空 The void is the form, is the form, is the void.

這個漂亮朋友道別亦漂亮 This beautiful lady is beautiful even while bidding farewell.
夜夜電視螢幕繼續舊形象 Every night, on the TV screen, she remains in her old look.

到了那日同慶個個要鼓掌 When that day of rejoice arrives, everyone needs to clap like drums.

硬幣上那尊容變烈士銅像 The austere face on the coin becomes a bronze portrait of a martyr.

知己一聲拜拜遠去這都市 Dear friends, bidding goodbye, leave this metropolis and go afar.
要靠偉大同志搞搞新意思 Gotta depend on the great comrades to cook up some new ideas.
會有鐵路城巴也會有的士 There will be trains, Citybus, as well as taxi,

但是路線可能要問問何事 But for directions, you may be questioned about your motives!



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