富士山下 [Under Mt. Fuji] - Eason Chan 陳奕迅 {Cantonese 06}

攔路雨偏似雪花 飲泣的你凍嗎
The heavy rain resembles snowflakes…Is the weeping you feeling cold?
The jacket I gave you is worn to the point that the labels have faded.
連調了職也不怕 怎麼始終牽掛
I'm not even afraid of changing my job, so why do I constantly worry over you?
I took the trouble of choosing to drive you home today.

原諒我不再送花 傷口應要結疤
Forgive me for not sending any flowers again…Wounds will naturally form scars
One should be scared only when petals are scattered throughout the cemetery of the heart.
如若你非我不嫁 彼此終必火化
If you refuse to marry anyone but me, we would both ultimately be cremated [burnt].
There is indeed a price to be paid in waiting for a single day in your entire life,

*誰都只得那雙手 靠擁抱亦難任(為)你擁有
Everyone has a pair of hands, but only you have the capability of resolving sadness with a hug.
If you want to have something, you must first learn how to accept losing it.
曾沿著雪路浪遊 為何為好事淚流
I used to wander along this snow-filled path…Why do I cry over such a joyful past?
Who can possess Mount Fuji only on love?
何不把悲哀感覺 假設是來自你虛構
Why not treat this sorrowful feeling as a figment of your own imagination?
It cannot be found in a test tube [It is not a tangible thing] and yet it pollutes the eye.
前塵硬化像石頭 隨緣地拋下便逃走
The past is hardened like stone. Follow your fate [predestined love] by throwing down your burdens, and take flight
我絕不罕有 往街裡繞過一周 我便化烏有 * (你還嫌不夠 我把這陳年風褸 送贈你解咒)
I am definitely not an exceptional person. Walking around on the streets, I evolve into [become] nothing.
(But you still said that is not enough. Let me give this old jacket to you, to help you break free from the curse).

情人節不要說穿 只敢撫你髮端
Do not reveal the fact that it is Valentine's Day, I only dare to support you in making a new beginning.
Such an attitude will only increase your distress.
留在汽車裡取暖 應該怎麼規勸
Staying in the car to keep warm…How should I advise you on your future?
How could you bear the pain and slash your wrists [Try to commit suicide]?

人活到幾歲算短 失戀只有更短
The life-span of a person is already so short; Failure in love will only make it shorter.
Who can calculate how many miles need to be traversed before returning home?
忘掉我跟你恩怨 櫻花開了幾轉
Forget our bitter-sweet relationship…The cherry blossoms have gone through many blooming cycles,
And Tokyo was already far detached from my world.

Repeat * *


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