現代愛情故事 [Modern Love Story] - Julian Cheung Chilam 張智霖 + Maple Hui 許秋怡 {Cantonese 91}

(女)別離沒有對錯 要走也解釋不多
(M) there is no wrong or right when leaving, no much to explain if one must go
現代說永遠已經很傻 隨著那一宵去火花已消逝
in modern society it’s silly to talk about forever, as that moment goes by the spark has gone
it’s impossible to give a whole life
(男)情盡時就要放過 我怎會想穿心窩
(C) when relationship ends i should let go, how come i over thinking it?
若是厭棄了再不蹉跎 如共你分開應有機會再愛一個
if i get enough of you i won’t waste time anymore, if separate with you i will probably get a chance to love another one
impossible to give a whole life and wasted it
(合)你我情如路半經過 深知道再愛痛苦必多
(B) you and me are like passersby in love, know very well if continue to love we would suffer more
願你可輕輕鬆鬆放低我 剩了些開心的追憶送走我
wish you could let me go easily, leave me some happy memories and let me go
is because we knew each other well and then understand
離別時笑笑明晨剩我一個 瀟灑裡也會記起當初
leaving with a smile and tomorrow will be only me, i will remember us back to the beginning
(M) if your heart feels lonely come to see me again
(C) if your chest feels empty come to see me again
(B) no need to be painful when you think of me


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