聽海 [Listen to the Sea] - A-Mei Zhang 張惠妹, Vivian Koo 谷微 {Mandarin 97}

This song is used for the ending for the tvb series drama K9 Cop - 警犬巴打
Write me a letter to tell me what color the sea is today,
The sea that keeps you company every night, what is her mood?
When she's gray she's keeps mum, when she's blue she's melancholy
And you whose heart is similarly drifting, where will you stop?
Write me a letter to tell me what you would like to dream of tonight
Can you not choose between the me in your dreams and the me in real life?
My heart is in suspense, I stay awake all night
Why, after having fallen in love, do you insist on keeping your distance?
Listen to the sound of the sea crying
Sighing because someone is heartbroken, and yet doesn't realize it
That person cannot be me, at least I am still calm
But my tears, even my own tears, they don't believe that
Listen to the sound of the sea crying
The sea is too emotional, she weeps all the way until sunrise
Write me a letter, and let it be our last covenant
Tell me how you felt at the moment you left me

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