最幸福的事 [The Most Blissful Thing] - Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣 {Cantonese 12}

電視劇《護花危情》 主題曲 
TV Series “Witness Insecurity” theme song

Performed by: Linda Chung

作曲: 鄧智偉
Composed by: Tang Chi Wai

填詞: 張美賢
Lyrics by: Cheung Mei Yin

編曲: Johnny Yim
Musical Arrangement by: Johnny Yim

就算雨傘破了 身體濕透 沒法子
Even if the umbrella breaks, body gets wet, can’t help it

Even if a grim smile is so cold to the point of being tasteless

就算我向世界飛奔千百里 又再輸
Even if I dash a thousand miles toward the world, lose once again

就算跌過百次 再尋下次
Even if fallen a hundred times, once again search for another chance 

Greenhouse used for nothing else but to avoid disaster and rain 

There was never a key to my locked up heart 

心弦若果 頻率很類似
If the heartstrings seem to pull at a very similar frequency 

相看像照鏡子 淚痕仍似詩
Looking at each other is like looking in a mirror, the tear stains still resemble a poem

曾想象太好 歷太多失意
Once imagined it too good, experienced too many frustrations

孤單的滋味 天知我知
The feelings of loneliness, Heavens know, I know

Too blissful of a thing, perhaps need to change my mind several times

Before the meaning of ‘cherish’ is understood

失望太多 就試多一次
Too many disappointments, then try it one more time

不捨的思念 不可遏止
The longing and reluctance to let go cannot be held back

The thing [I] care about most, already missed it unlimited times

請讓我將心中句子 認真講你知
Please allow me to take the words in my heart and tell them to you earnestly

閉起門窗 誰願給耐性
[If] shut all the doors and windows, who is willing to be patient

Turns out the feelings from the heart are the most sincere

失眠日子 年月很動聽
[During] sleepless days, over time, still very pleasant to listen to

天際倦到再黑 夜闌仍有星
No matter how tired and dark the horizon becomes, in the darkness of the night there are still stars

曾想象太好 歷太多失意
Once imagined it too good, experienced too many frustrations

孤單的滋味 天知我知
The feelings of loneliness, Heavens know, I know

Too blissful of a thing, perhaps need to change my mind several times

Before the meaning of ‘cherish’ is understood

曾失望太多 就試多一次
Too many disappointments before, then try it one more time

不捨的思念 不可遏止
The longing and reluctance to let go cannot be held back

The thing [I] care about most, already missed it unlimited times

請讓我將心中句子 認真講你知
Please allow me to take the words in my heart and tell them to you earnestly


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