唯獨你是不可取替 [Only You Cannot Be Replaced] - Sammi Cheng 鄭秀文, Andy Hui 許志安 {Cantonese 96}

曾聽說有許多戀愛 ([I] Once heard about a lot about love)
沒有結果 卻剩傷心者感慨 (No results, yet 
what remains is those distraught people who lament)
令我都刻意避開 (Causes me to also leave on purpose)
是我不敢相信真愛 (It is I who doesn't dare to believe in true love)
但你不惜真心真意對待 (But you don't hesitate to truly, meaningfully treat it [meaning true love])
竟令我再感到意外 (Unexpectedly cause me to feel [something] unexpected)
讓我獻出 (Let me offer [you])
全部熱愛 (All of the passionate love)
全面喝采 (All-around applause)

如果今天將失去眼前的一切 (If today I will lose all of what's in front of my eyes)
剩低清風兩袖也不計 (to be left with "refreshing breeze, two sleeves" [meaning to have nothing], I won't calculate [meaning, I won't care]
唯獨你一個是不可給取替 (You alone [is] one [person] that cannot be replaced [or switched out])
是我生命裡的一切 Wooh ([You] Are my life's everything] Wo-oh)

如早知今生跟你 有幸可相愛 (If only I knew earlier in this life that being with you would have [bring] luck and requited love)
在當初應更努力為未來 (At [From] the start, [I] should have strived more for the future)
其實我知道 是可一不可再 (Actually I know [this is] possibly one, but cannot again [meaning once in a life time opportunity]
下半生准我留住你 (For the next half of my life, allow me to detain [stay with] you)
一直相愛 ([In order] To continue to love each other)

[End of Chorus]

誰似你這般欣賞我 (Who resembles you, this category [of person], who appreciates me)
誰也說不上你一般清楚我 (Who also unable to say [Who else can say why] you ordinarily, clearly [know] me)
問我可需要甚麼 (Ask me possibly need what [Ask me what else I would possibly need])
願你終身交託給我 (Hoping you [would] life longingly entrust [yourself] give [to] me)

讓我一生好好把你照料 (Allow me a lifetime to take care of you)
請讓我體恤你需要 (Please allow me to empathize with your needs)
讓我獻出 (Let me offer [you])
同樣被愛 (The same cause of love)
從來沒缺少 (Always never lacking)

Chorus again!

其實我知道 是可一不可再 (Actually I know [this is] possibly one, but cannot again [meaning once in a life time opportunity]
下半生准我留住你 (For the next half of my life, allow me to detain [stay with] you)
一直相愛 ([In order] To continue to love each other)


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