This is the theme song for TVB Series Home Come Love 愛·回家 broadcasting 14 May 2012 to Present
從六歲到八十也不更改 ([It would] also not alter [be the same for those] from six years old reaching [all the way to] eighty
任我飛 天空海闊前望將來 (Allow me to fly, air, ocean-wide [boundless, unrestrained] forward hoping [for the] future)
寒或暖 有笑容可一可再 ([When] Chilly or warm, [to] have [a] smiling expression, can [smile] once, can [smile] again
遙遠 隻身參與漫長競賽 ([From a] Distance, participating in [a] vast long race/competition alone)
回家這路線 快樂佈景四邊覆蓋 (This route to return home, happy setting, four sides covered)
越行越遠 困倦了總有家中這道門 為我開 ([The] more [I] walk, [the] more [I am] far [The farther I walk], [if I feel] sleepy, [I] always have within my own family, this door, [that] opens for me)
在世間 不聲不語有一種愛 (In this world, [by having] no sounds, [having] no words, there exists one type of love)
柔韌到 叫鐵石種出花開 ([When anything] soft [or] hard arrives, summon ironstone, plant [it] out, [so] flowers bloom)
任我飛 不經不覺背包超載 (Allow me to fly, not enduring, not feeling [not realizing that my] backpack [is] overloading)
晴或雨 要記住相親相愛 ([On a] clear or rainy [day], [I] need to remember mutual intimacy, mutual love [to be kind and love one another])
遙遠 萬千心意亦能下載 ([From a] Distance, ten-thousand, thousand [myriad] regards can also [be] downloaded)
回家卻讓我 處地設身抱緊所愛 (Returning home still allows me [to] put body in place [form another perspective in order to] enclasp that love)
越行越近 歲月裏一切衝擊與障礙 漸化開 ([The] more [I] walk, [the] more [I am] near [The closer I walk], within [the] years [of my life], all assaults and obstructions, gradually dissolve
在世間 遮風擋雨有一種愛 (In this world, [through] blocking wind, blocking rain, there exists one type of love)
從六歲到八十也不更改 ([It would] also not alter [be the same for those] from six years old reaching [all the way to] eighty
任我飛 天空海闊前望將來 (Allow me to fly, air, ocean-wide [boundless, unrestrained] forward hoping [for the] future)
如後盾 去獻奉各種慷慨 (As a back-up, present, with all respect, every kind of generosity)
任我飛 天空海闊前望將來 (Allow me to fly, air, ocean-wide [boundless, unrestrained] forward hoping [for the] future)
如後盾 去獻奉各種慷慨 (As a back-up, present, with all respect, every kind of generosity)
在世間 不聲不語有一種愛 (In this world, [by having] no sounds, [having] no words, there exists one type of love)
柔韌到 叫鐵石種出花開 ([When anything] soft [or] hard arrives, summon ironstone, plant [it] out, [so] flowers bloom
任我飛 不經不覺背包超載 (Allow me to fly, not enduring, not feeling [not realizing that my] backpack [is] overloading)
停頓處 你撐住我的感慨 (Stop[ping] [at this] point, you sustain my laments)
任我飛 不經不覺背包超載 (Allow me to fly, not enduring, not feeling [not realizing that my] backpack [is] overloading)
停頓處 你撐住我的感慨 (Stop[ping] [at this] point, you sustain my laments)
無限暖 最美是這一種愛 (Unlimited warmth, [the] most beautiful [sight is] this type [of] love)
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